Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I am writing this as I walk through downtown sf to work

So as u all can tell its been a while since the last time I posted a blog. I have been extremely busy with starting a new job in a new city (San Francisco) and haven't had much time for myself lately, however I hope this changes relatively soon. Life gets crazy and it's easy to forget about being yourself because it becomes easy to be what everyone else wants you to be. I am going to end this rant before I walk into a tree or light pole but I want to let who ever reads this know to look forward to new posts


John B. Marine said...

First of all, I hope you have a great new year. Second, best wishes to you with your new job in lovely San Francisco. Take care!


Loretta Lulú said...

I like to read your blog. Don´t stop writing.

Loretta Lulú said...

By the way, If you can read Spanish, I'd be so happy than you to visit my blog to.


candice said...

I would love to but I can't read Spanish at all. And thank you for loving my blog how long have u been reading it