Chelsea and I desided to go out this last wednesday. But it had been a rather long time since we enjoyed a day and and a night together as candice. So i got ready early so we could go out before night fell apon us. We enjoyed an early dinner at Hamburger Patties which is in a part of town thats not super trans friendly but everyone even the families I ran into at the resturant and outside the resturant seemed ok if they even new i was a guy... lol. Chelsea snapped a few pictures of me on the phone while we were at dinner and I will post those tonight sometime, after that we headed to the bar and met up with some friends enjoyed some drinks and headed home shortly after that. For all you boys out there who are first starting out finding them selves as women. Try going out with out drinking to take the edge off you will be surprised how enjoyable it is. I know how it is when you have a few drinks in you its a little easier to walk out those door and in to the world as a women but sometimes its hard to get the full enjoyment out of the day. take in the day completly and remember you are lucky to be able to experiance your true self. you cant be the person you want to be until you find your true north.
xoxo Candice
it was such an amazing night baby- and you looked as beautiful as ever! i loved every minute of being out with you that night. :)
Oh you really passed a great day, i hope share a similar day with my wife soon. Congrats Candice your life is a great example for ours, hugs!
You are so attractive i doubt they even knew you were a guy. I know i wouldn't if I wasn't on here
wow! one day...
You are gorgeous!! Congratulations!
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