So me and my friends use to frequent a local club here in Sacramento, basically we were there every week. we stopped going and i had only been to that club before as my male self, yesterday we filt like it would be a good idea to go back since it had been so long... the only thing that is different this time around is that i am going as the girl i always wanted to be. i dont think anyone even knew i wasn't a genetic girl even when me and my friend phil were sitting at the bar an old frined of ours came up and didnt realize who i was until i finally told him and at that time he still didnt want to beleive me, but finally he did and told me how beautiful i am and that he was happy to see me happy... it was such a good night it was a night that reasurrued who i am
you are so beautiful, I'm falling for you....
I wanna talk to you...
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If you looked anything like your picture, you pulled it off well. It would take lots of careful examination to out you. You look amazing. And where did you get those shoes. I want a pair!
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