So this last couple of weeks have been pretty amazing. it seems every week i am that much closer to finding out how i truly can be comfortable in my own skin. Every day makes it easier to be me and be proud to be me. Every day its easier to tell people about Candice and show them the true me.
I ran into a friend i had in school we were never really that close but when we reconnected it was nice because i wanted her to know about me. when i told her she loved it.
This last weekend i spent everyday as a women and that was amazing i have to admit i only hope i can spend more days then that in the near future.
Last week i bought the cutest black dress from H&M i don't think i could have found a better one to fit my body. you can see them in the pictures above. i have never got so many compliments on how i was dressed and how great i looked... finally i feel beautiful...